Uni verre son, Glass & Sounds
Three beings in construction : Bernard Froment, Bertrand Merlier, Pierre Gallais.
Twelve glass mobiles to tell about the encounter.
The sound recorded from the creation of mobiles, turned into acoustic electro music to say about listening.
The creation of Light to say and reveal the shadow and the joy to be together.
To bring together the essence of our Living state on Earth. To be in a relationship with sincerity and with the origin of our own existence. To listen and to keep our mind open to the richness of Life.
dATES & places
1993, Week of Contemporay Art, salle des Templiers, Montélimar.
1994, Toulouse, France. Faust Trophy winner.
1994, Villa Gillet, Lyon, France.
1995, Futura, Crest, France