“Fairly and simply, Originally, the TREE.Reminisce about chlorophyll,About a blink of an eye,An obviousness,From the wood to the man, live,Intimate trace of our existence.We are linked, connected by the deep reality of the living,By the essentially living together.All those pieces of wood,Often abandoned,Were used and touched by the hand of man.Their memory is unaltered.I prepare them as for a celebration day,I straighten them, offer them a base and in a peasant momentum,I bring them a new germination,a spark of light,a new chance.The glass to express life and survival,for and with the joy of being born, and reborn, maybe without it.Probably returning to the early morning path,they get back from the brink and now they go even furtherin order to demonstrate both their strength and weakness,their generostity to love over and over again.Even sometimes without a ny bark,Beyond an aged body, they give life back, everlasting.Beyond the almost nothing,In the secret gathering of a care, they stand here,With and for us.Always and again as a new seed,In an intimate and final garment of humility and interiority,of joy and dew,Happy to exist,and in a swirl of freedom,they try to reach the man’s heart, standing on a clay ground.on a wire, moving forward and loving again, in order to to reach the silence of Peace.What more should be done to bring Life to Beauty. ”